Unite: to put together or join to make one mixtureĬlosely: in a close, compact manner, with the parts united or pressed together with near affection, attachment or interest If you’re unsure about what it means to do a word study, or why I do them, take a peek back at A is for Attentive. Of course, since my go-to way to expound on the meaning of words is by doing a word study, a quick word study was in order here, too.

I wanted him to understand that our love for him comes from a place much deeper than pizza - I wanted him to know what it means to be “knit together.” But love is a word used so much these days - we love our iPhones, the color yellow, and pizza. But he didn’t really get what exactly I meant about our hearts being “knit together.” He certainly knows he is loved and that he loves us. I crochet and he knows what that looks like. He understands the word “knit” from a handiwork perspective. That was His plan for him (and for us) all along. That it was no surprise to God that he was given to us in adoption. While I was reassuring him of my incredible love for him, I made the comment that God had knit our hearts together from before his birth. Last week, during a tough couple of days (puberty is so hard!), Ben questioned for a moment if it was possible that I could love him as much as I would if I had given birth to him.

You can read our miraculous birth story (but you may want to grab a tissue first). For those of you who may not realize it, our son, Ben is adopted.